The LifeSaver AlkoholStik


LifeSaver AlkoholStik pic
LifeSaver AlkoholStik

For over 15 years, Ted Titmas has served as chairman and chief executive officer at LifeSaver. In leading the Mission Viejo, California, healthcare technology firm, Ted Titmas manages the development of new diagnostic tools such as the LifeSaver AlkoholStik.

The dangers of drinking and driving are well-known. A driving under the influence (DUI) conviction can result in a suspended license, increased car insurance fees for up to 10 years, and fines of $10,000 or more. Some individuals may face jail time. Of course, driving while intoxicated also poses a serious health risk to the vehicle operator, pedestrians, and other drivers on the road.

With the LifeSaver AlkoholStik, individuals can achieve a much greater understanding of alcohol’s effects on the body. LifeSaver technology allows users to test their blood alcohol content (BAC) by simply swiping the device along the tongue. The AlkoholStik produces results within two minutes, indicating an illegal BAC level with a plus sign. Individuals who receive the plus sign should refrain from driving until their BAC falls below the legal limit. Due to the AlkoholStik’s simplicity and convenient size, individuals can use the device to drink responsibly at bars, sports venues, and various other social events.

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