Category: Ted Titmas

Ted Titmas

Who Can Benefit from the Use of LifeSaver Stiks?

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Ted Titmas is the CEO and chairman of LifeSaver, a Mission Viejo, California-based company. Formerly an extreme sports professional, Ted Titmas now focuses on the development of LifeSaver Stiks, which test saliva for the presence of illegal substances as well as several medical conditions.

LifeSaver’s Drug and Alcohol Stiks are equipped to test for the presence of alcohol, cocaine, PCP, marijuana, amphetamine, opiates, and methamphetamine. These Stiks can help business owners conduct fast and affordable on-site drug and alcohol screenings to maintain higher levels of workplace safety. In addition to helping prevent workplace injury related to substance abuse, the use of drug and alcohol screening tests like LifeSaver Stiks can help businesses increase worker productivity.

The simplicity of LifeSaver Stik technology makes the test easy to use and ideal for infectious disease and medical condition testing in remote areas. Nonprofits that perform work in third-world countries may benefit from its simple, efficient design. Additionally, durable packaging allows the Stik to withstand higher temperatures than similar products currently available, allowing it to be stored within police vehicles for use during patrol, even in warmer climates.

How LifeSaver Stiks® Products Work

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With a history in professional sports, including Grand Prix Formula Racing, motocross, and surfing, Ted Titmas is also a successful professional in business development. For the last eight years, Ted Titmas has worked on the saliva testing products of his company LifeSaver.

The LifeSaver brand includes several products that can quickly and accurately test a person’s saliva for a range of infectious diseases or drug and alcohol use. The products are disposable and environmentally friendly, and self-testing is as easy as licking a stamp and waiting for two minutes. The Stiks® products are packaged in such a way that they can last up to two years and withstand high heat up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. New product designs may be able to endure even higher temperatures, up to 125 degrees.

Alkohol Stiks® can be administered by a police officer or medical professional to assess someone’s situation, but they also can be easily self-administered. Alcohol Stiks® could be handed out at restaurants and bars with bills to immediately alert people when they are above the legal limit to drive. Drug Stiks® can be used similarly, to test for marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, or other drug use.

Patents are pending for a range of other Stik® products that will be able to test for HIV/AIDS, malaria, diabetes, and pregnancy. These conditions are usually best diagnosed with a blood test, which is much more costly and labor intensive to administer. Having affordable, transportable, and convenient-to-use technology that is as accurate as a blood test could provide earlier diagnoses, better treatment, and other benefits that could amount to lives saved.

Advantages of the LifeSaver Drug Stik

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Since 2000, Ted Titmas has led operations at LifeSaver in Mission Viejo, California, as chairman and chief executive officer. In this capacity, Ted Titmas oversees the development of medical technologies such as the LifeSaver Drug Stik.

Substance abuse in the workplace not only puts employee health at risk, but can also cost employers a significant amount of money in the form of decreased productivity, employee turnover and tardiness, insurance claims, and even theft or damage to workplace equipment. In order to mitigate the issues associated with substance abuse, more than four out of five Fortune 500 companies now mandate drug and alcohol testing.

The LifeSaver Drug Stik greatly simplifies the drug testing process. Priced at just $7 per unit, the Drug Stik features tests for seven distinct substances in a single, compact device that requires only a saliva sample. The testing process is much faster and simpler than comparative methods, such as urine tests, providing pass or fail results within two minutes. Additionally, the LifeSaver Drug Stik virtually eliminates the odds of a corrupt or incorrectly identified sample. To learn more about the advantages of the LifeSaver Drug Stik, visit

The LifeSaver AlkoholStik


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LifeSaver AlkoholStik

For over 15 years, Ted Titmas has served as chairman and chief executive officer at LifeSaver. In leading the Mission Viejo, California, healthcare technology firm, Ted Titmas manages the development of new diagnostic tools such as the LifeSaver AlkoholStik.

The dangers of drinking and driving are well-known. A driving under the influence (DUI) conviction can result in a suspended license, increased car insurance fees for up to 10 years, and fines of $10,000 or more. Some individuals may face jail time. Of course, driving while intoxicated also poses a serious health risk to the vehicle operator, pedestrians, and other drivers on the road.

With the LifeSaver AlkoholStik, individuals can achieve a much greater understanding of alcohol’s effects on the body. LifeSaver technology allows users to test their blood alcohol content (BAC) by simply swiping the device along the tongue. The AlkoholStik produces results within two minutes, indicating an illegal BAC level with a plus sign. Individuals who receive the plus sign should refrain from driving until their BAC falls below the legal limit. Due to the AlkoholStik’s simplicity and convenient size, individuals can use the device to drink responsibly at bars, sports venues, and various other social events.

Advantages of the LifeSaver Stik Technology


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As the chairman and CEO of LifeSaver, Ted Titmas leads a company that manufactures an innovative system for detecting contaminated blood. Ted Titmas believes this new technology could result in significant cost savings to organizations such as the American Red Cross (ARC).

Currently, the ARC’s blood safety protocols need to be more accurate and efficient, according to Titmas. The ARC has brought in some $2.1 billion in sales of blood, which corresponds to a $38 million profit. However, each year it has to dispose of $200 million worth of contaminated blood, a figure greater than their profit margin.

The Food and Drug Administration is pressuring the ARC to disclose how much blood has infected people with hepatitis or AIDS. Part of the problem is ARC’s existing system of collecting and transporting blood donations. Each sample goes through different checkpoints in several locations. Although each donor answers a lengthy questionnaire, actual contamination is not checked until later, leading to compromised donations that must be destroyed in an expensive procedure.

In contrast, LifeSaver’s Stik device detects contaminated blood while the donor is still present. It is swiped across the tongue and tests saliva in two minutes for such conditions as HIV, hepatitis B and C, West Nile virus, and syphilis.

Instead of being sent on, contaminated blood is simply not drawn. LifeSaver estimates the ARC could save tens of millions of dollars by having this onsite detection capability.